Table 1 Potential treatment options of COVID-19 Classes Potential treatment options Reference Anti-viral > 85% of patients received anti-viral agents, including oseltamivir (75 mg every 12 h orally), ganciclovir (0.25 g every 12 h intravenously), and lopinavir/ritonavir tablets (400/100 mg twice daily). Remdesivir is currently under trials at more than ten medical institutions in Wuhan and has been known to prevent MERS-CoV. [1] Anti-malarial An old anti-malarial, chloroquine phosphate, has been effective in inhibiting the exacerbation of pneumonia due to its anti-viral and anti-inflammatory activities. [3] Herbal treatments There was widespread use of Traditional Chinese Medicine during the last SARS-COV outbreak and it is currently being used in China. The five most commonly used herbs were Astragali Radix (Huangqi), Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma (Gancao), Saposhnikoviae Radix (Fangfeng), Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma (Baizhu), and Lonicerae Japonicae Flo. [4]