Sleep quality is a key indicator of health. For clinical staff, good sleep quality not only helps them to work better to treat patients but also maintains optimal immune function to prevent infection [7]. Therefore, sleep quality is an important indicator of health. Also, psychological wellbeing and sleep are affected by many socio-cultural factors [8]. Social support is a significant social factor. Social support refers to the care and support that people feel they get from other people [9]. Adequate social support has previously been reported to have a positive effect on psychological health and sleep function [10,11]. Also, anxiety is a common negative emotion experienced by medical staff during epidemics of infectious diseases [12]. The COVID-19 epidemic has become a stressor, particularly as this is a new viral infection does not have a vaccine and can only be treated symptomatically at present. Self-efficacy refers to individual judgment on the ability to complete a certain behavior or task [13]. Self-efficacy helps medical staff cope with high-risk and high-intensity work and help them maintain a stable mental state. The effect of emotion such as anxiety, stress, and self-efficacy on sleep quality has been shown by previous studies [14,15].