Table 1 Demographic and working data of the medical staff treating patients with COVID-19 in January and February 2020 in Wuhan, China. Variable Number % Gender  Male 51 28.3  Female 129 71.7 Education  College degree or below 34 18.9  Bachelor’s degree 82 45.6  Master’s degree or above 64 35.5 Marital status  Unmarried 41 22.8  Married 122 67.8  Divorced or widowed 17 9.4 Seniority  Primary 36 20.0  Intermediate 108 60.0  Senior 36 20.0 Monthly income  <6000 yuan 33 18.2  6000–10000 yuan 110 70.6  >10000 yuan 37 11.2 Profession  Doctor 82 45.6  Nurse 98 54.4 Department  Fever clinic or respiratory clinic 86 47.8  COVID-19 pneumonia isolation Hospital ward 52 28.9  Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 42 23.3 Working experience  <2 years 26 14.4  2–5 years 33 18.3  >5 years 121 67.2