The details of treatment reported in case of 2019-nCoV are presented in Table 1. The antiviral agents which are used in the management of 2019-nCoV episodes are lopinavir, ritonavir, arbidol,[28] oseltamivir,[12] i.v. ganciclovir.[29] Among immunomodulators, the commonly used agents are systematic corticosteroids,[1230] and i.v. immunoglobulin was used in more serious cases who were refractory to initial therapy.[28] Among herbal medicines, Chinese herbal medicinal products Tanreqing i.v. gtt,[31] shufeng jiedu capsule (a traditional Chinese medicine) was used.[28] The WHO has specified that at this present time there is no high level evidence is available, which favous use of a single specific antiviral agent for the treatment of patients with suspected or confirmed 2019nCoV infection.[27] Although many of the death cases were in higher age group[32] and many were smokers and had bilateral disease,[29] lack of appropriate control group is the main hindrance in interpreting these prognostic factors.