Using clinical isolates of 2019-nCoV, Wang et al., 2020 evaluated the efficacy of seven agents (ribavirin, penciclovir, nitazoxanide, nafamostat, chloroquine, remdesivir [GS5734], and favipiravir [T-705]) in in vitro conditions. Cytotoxicity was evaluated in vero E6 cells, which was followed by infection of the cells with 2019-nCoV clinical isolates, and the test drug was evaluated at different doses. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction-based quantification was done to get the viral yield, which was later confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy (nucleocapsid protein visualization). Both chloroquine and remdesivir inhibited virus infection at micromolar level (0.77–1.13 μM) and with high selectivity.[33]