Characteristics Number of cases overall Number of cases infected in Europe Number of cases infected in China p valueb Age range in years     0–17 4 3 0 0.08     18–49 24 13 9     50–64 7 5 2     ≥ 65 3 0 3 Sex     Male 25 14 8 0.6     Female 13 7 6 Hospitalised     Yes 35 21 14 ND     No 2 ND ND     Unknown 1 ND ND Symptomsc (31 cases with available information)     Asymptomatic 2 ND ND ND     Fever 20 ND ND     Cough 14 ND ND     Weakness 8 ND ND     Headaches 6 ND ND     Sore throat 2 ND ND     Rhinorrhoea 2 ND ND     Shortness of breath 2 ND ND Mean days from onset to hospitalisation(29 cases) 3.7 4.6 2.5 ND Mean days from onset to first positive laboratory test(16 cases) 5.1 6.5 5.2 ND