Worried on the highly contagious virus that currently lacks effective treatments, 84.9% (83.6–86.2%) subjects (2619) felt “extremely” or “very” nervous about NCIP, and 75.1% (73.6–76.6%) believed that it was at least as terrible as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes (SARS) or avian influenza. Adults living in urban areas had a better awareness of the knowledge on NCIP than those in rural areas (72.7% vs.66.1%, p < 0.001). Such knowledge includes route of transmission (respiratory: 98.1% vs. 97.6%; contact: 95.4% vs. 91.5%), length of quarantine (97.2% vs. 95.1%), preventable vaccine (95.0% vs. 92.0%), drugs for treatment (84.7% vs. 77.9%), and time for mask replacement (89.0% vs. 86.6%). This finding indicates that Health education should be strengthened among adults living in rural areas where access to medical services is limited.