Further analysis of the government reports indicate that indicators such as confirmed cases, suspected cases, recovered cases, and total number of deaths are all reported in total numbers along with their daily updates respectively based on provincial and city levels. These data together with the updates from the WHO have provided good basis for visual reporting at city, provincial, national, and international levels. Ratio analyses such as case fatality rate, recovery rate, etc. are applied to reflect the whole progress of various effort and interventions. These rates are further classified as Hubei, outside Hubei, whole China, etc. for comparison in curves. It should be noted that there are lots of influential factors affecting the fatality and recovery rates [8], for example, the fatility rate in Hubei is much higher than other provinces (4.03% vs 0.80%, by Feburuary 27, 2020), which can be partly explained that, even though Hubei is abundant of health resources, but still lacks enough medical resources to provide timely and effective treatments to the hug number of patients compared with much less patients in other Chinese provinces.