Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of different vaccine strategies. Vaccine strategy Advantages Disadvantages References Inactivated virus vaccines Easy to prepare; safety; high-titer neutralizing antibodies Potential inappropriate for highly immunosuppressed individuals 25 Attenuated virus vaccines Rapid development; induce high immune responses Phenotypic or genotypic reversion possible; can still cause some disease 25 Subunit vaccines High safety; consistent production; can induce cellular and humoral immune responses; high-titer neutralizing antibodies High cost; lower immunogenicity; require repeated doses and adjuvants 12,14 Viral vector vaccines Safety; induces high cellular and humoral immune responses Possibly present pre-existing immunity 12 DNA vaccines Easier to design; high safety; high-titer neutralizing antibodies Lower immune responses in humans; repeated doses may cause toxicity 23 mRNA vaccines Easier to design; high degree of adaptability; induce strong immune responses Highly unstable under physiological conditions 23