Cumulative number of detected and diagnosed cases The COVID-19 epidemic was initiated in Wuhan, the Provincial Capital of Hubei Province with a total population of 14.2 million, including 5.1 million mobile population. The mortality rate was 5.5/1000 for Wuhan residents with most available data in 2018. Assuming all diagnosed cases in China were infected in Wuhan (an exaggerated scenarios for illustration purpose), the two-month incidence rate of COVID-19 was 2.6/1000 among Wuhan residents. Based on reported case mortality of 2.3%, the population-based mortality of COVID-19 was 0.6/1000, or 1/9th of the mortality of Wuhan residents. Figure 1 presents the cumulative diagnosed cases F(x) and major events during the study period from December 8, 2019 to February 8, 2020. During the period, a total of 37,198 cases were diagnosed and reported. The daily cases varied from 0 to 3886 with the median cases of 199 (January 8, 2020), and inter-quarter range (IQR) of 24 (December 23), and 830 (January 23, 2020). Fig. 1 Cumulative number of diagnosed COVID-19(2019-nCoV) infection F(x) and key events before, during and after declaration of the outbreak in the first 2 months of the Epidemic in China