e incubation period of bats 1/ωH The incubation period of hosts 1/ωP The incubation period of people 1/ω’P The latent period of people 1/γB The infectious period of bats 1/γH The infectious period of hosts 1/γP The infectious period of symptomatic infection of people 1/γ’P The infectious period of asymptomatic infection of people βB The transmission rate from IB to SB βBH The transmission rate from IB to SH βH The transmission rate from IH to SH βP The transmission rate from IP to SP βW The transmission rate from W to SP a The retail purchases rate of the hosts in the market μP The shedding coefficients from IP to W μ’P The shedding coefficients from AP to W 1/ε The lifetime of the virus in W δP The proportion of asymptomatic infection rate of people κ The multiple of the transmissibility of AP to that of IP. The simplified reservoir-people transmission network model We assumed that the SARS-CoV-2 might be imported to the seafood market in a short time. Therefore, we added the further assumptions as follows: The transmission network of Bats-Host was ignored. Based on our previous studies on simulating importation [13, 14], we set the initial value of W as following impulse function: \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackag