To analyze the distribution of eQTLs for ACE2, we used the Genotype Tissue Expression (GTEx) database ( We found 15 unique eQTL variants (14 SNPs and 1 INDELs) for ACE2 with q value ≤ 0.05 in 20 tissues from the GTEx database (rs112171234, rs12010448, rs143695310, rs1996225, rs200781818, rs2158082, rs4060, rs4646127, rs4830974, rs4830983, rs5936011, rs5936029, rs6629110, rs6632704, and rs75979613). The AFs of the 15 eQTL variants were compared among different populations. Notably, our results showed most of the 15 eQTL variants had much higher AFs in the ChinaMAP dataset and EAS populations compared to European populations (Fig. 1c and Supplementary Table S3). The AFs of the top 6 common variants (rs4646127, rs2158082, rs5936011, rs6629110, rs4830983, and rs5936029) were higher than 95% in EAS populations, whereas the AFs of these variants in European populations were much lower (52%–65%). All of the 11 common variants (AF > 0.05) and 1 rare variant (rs143695310) in the 15 eQTLs are associated with high expression of ACE2 in tissues (Supplementary Table S3). For instance, the eQTL variant rs4646127 (log allelic fold change = 0.314), which locates in the intron of ACE2 gene, has the highest AFs in both of the ChinaMAP (0.997) and EAS (0.994) populations. Comparatively, the AFs of rs4646127 in EUR (0.651) and AMR (0.754) populations are much lower. These findings suggested the genotypes of ACE2 gene polymorphism may be associated higher expression levels of ACE2 in EAS population.