Laboratory findings The blood cell counts of patients showed total white blood cells, lymphocyte, and platelet were lower than the average with extended activated thromboplastin time, increased C-reactive protein and muscle enzyme level. D-dimer level were higher and lymphocyte decrease progressively, if the disease had aggravation. The cytokine storm such as IL1B, IL1RA, IL7, IL8 could be associated with disease severity [2, 21]. The multifocal ground glass changes on chest CT scan were typical of viral pneumonia [Fig. 3]. If the disease continued to develop, the bilateral multiple lobular and subsegmental areas of consolidation would be found on chest CT scan [2, 21]. The lungs of aged patients showed more diffuse and extensive imaging than those of the younger patients [20]. Fig. 3 The multifocal ground glass changes on chest CT scan were typical of viral pneumonia in one infected 2019-nCoV patients. a shadow in right upper lobe; b shadow in bilateral lobe; c shadow in left lower lobe