Alternative medication No antiviral treatment for coronavirus infection has been proven to be effective. Previous studies showed the combination of lopinavir and ritonavir may be beneficial for SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV infected patients [31, 32]. Treatment with intravenous remdesivir (a novel nucleotide analogue prodrug in development) showed significant improvement for the first case in US [24]. A trial has been initiated quickly to assess the efficacy and safety of remdesivir in patients hospitalized with 2019-nCoV infection. Recently, a potent binding of 2019-nCoV spike protein by a SARS-CoV specific human monoclonal antibody were under investigation [33]. As the cytokine storm was observed in severe 2019-nCoV infection patients, low dose corticosteroids has been used to treat the patients for possible benefit by reducing inflammatory-induced lung injury. However, corticosteroids did not reduce the mortality for SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV infection by WHO interim guidance [34, 35]. Treatment regiments were classified into three categories depends on the severity of the disease: (1) For mild to moderate disease, the major treatment is supportive therapy [21]; (2) for severe disease, oxygen inhalation through mask, high nasal oxygen flow inhalation, or non-invasive ventilation is needed. Careful and dynamic evaluation of patients oximeter and Chest imaging as well as laboratory examination is important; (3) for very severe disease, protective mechanical ventilation after tracheal intubation is required, and prone position ventilation followed if P/F ratio not improved, and eventually extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) might be implemented if prone position plus mechanical ventilation did not work. Notably, the anxiety and depression of patients need to be consideration. We should not only pay attention to disease treatment, but also the mental issues of patients. In addition, some traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), such as Snow Lotus (Saussuea involucrata), LianHuaQingWen [36], LiuShenWan [37] might be beneficial for coronavirus infection treatment through immunity enhancement. Further evidence is needed to assess the effect of TCM treatment for patients infected with 2019-nCoV.