To estimate the effective daily reproduction ratio, we initially get the time-dependent contact rate c(t) and δI(t) as Fig. 1 (a). Using the discrete values of contact rate c(t) and diagnose rate δI(t), we can calculate the effective daily reproduction ratio, shown in Fig. 1(b). It follows that under the strict prevention and control measures, the effective daily reproduction ratio Rd(t) has been less than 1 since January 26th, 2020, that is, the number of new infections has begun to decline. Note that the effective daily reproduction ratio declined from January 23rd, 2020 to January 25th, 2020, as a combination of the restrictive measures, including the lock-down of Wuhan, contact tracing followed by quarantine and isolation, that have been implemented. In practice, this time variation of the contact and diagnose rates leads to sub-exponential rather than exponential growth dynamics, and hence provides better estimates of epidemic size compared to fully exponential growth models. We refer to (Pell, Kuang, Viboud, & Chowell, 2018; Smirnova & Chowell, 2017) for earlier studies on sub-exponential growth of modern epidemics. Fig. 1 (A) Time-dependent contact rate c(t) and diagnose rate δI(t); (B) Effective daily reproduction ratio Rd(t), declining due to reduction of c(t) and increase of δI(t).