Table 1 Demographic characteristics of the study participants Characteristic Participants (n=88) Frequency, n % Gender Male 58 66 Female 30 34 Age (y) 18–30 8 9 31–50 55 63 >50 25 28 Province Yunnan 36 41 Guangxi 25 28 Guangdong 27 31 Source of livelihood Government employee 10 11 Private company employee 7 8 School teacher 5 6 Cash crop production (e.g. fruit tree, bamboo) 23 26 Grain crop production (e.g. corn, rice) 32 36 Household animal raising for sale 13 15 Domestic animal farmer 1 1 Wild animal farmer 2 2 Health worker 2 2 Construction worker 10 11 Nature reserve worker 8 9 Small business (e.g. restaurant, grocery store owner) 16 18 Student 1 1 Mineworker 1 1 Other casual or out-migrating work (non-specific) 30 34 Has worked or work on multiple jobs to make a living 35 40