In January 2020, an increasing number of cases confirmed to be infected with 2019-nCoV were detected outside Wuhan. For 88 cases detected between 20 and 28 January, the travel history (to and) from Wuhan is known, as well as their symptom onset date. Their ages range from 2 to 72 years of age (information missing for four cases); 31 were female and 57 were male. During this initial stage of the epidemic, it is most likely that these travellers were infected in Wuhan. Consequently, their time spent in Wuhan can be taken as the duration of exposure to infection. Of these 88 cases with known travel history, 63 were Wuhan residents who travelled elsewhere and 25 were visitors who stayed in Wuhan for a limited time. By taking the date of symptom onset and travel history together, we inferred the possible incubation period for each of these cases.