Table Parameter values and assumptions for the baseline scenario estimating effectiveness of exit and entry screening at airports for detecting passengers infected with novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Parameter Value (baseline scenario) Source Duration of travel 12 hours Beijing – London [18] Sensitivity of exit screening 86% Sensitivity of infrared thermal image scanners [19] Sensitivity of entry screening 86% Sensitivity of infrared thermal image scanners [19] Proportion of asymptomatic infections undetectable by typical screening procedures 17% 1 of 6 reported asymptomatic in a 2019-nCoV family cluster [11] Incubation period Mean 5.2 days, variance 4.1 days Reported Gamma distributed mean, variance estimated from uncertainty interval of mean [8] Time from symptom onset to hospitalisation Mean 9.1 days, variance 14.7 days Reported Gamma distributed mean, variance estimated from uncertainty interval of mean [8]