Authors’ contributions WXH, WYY, HLQ, ZXT, ZY and LLK composed the Consultant/Advisor’s panel. CL, CZS, CH, FYP, HB, HF, LYR, LK, MJ, PYB, PZY, PZY, SHM, WCJ, WDF, XJ, XY, XHB, YYF, YTS, ZXC, ZYW, ZYG, and ZHM composed the Consensus experts’ panel. DT, FC, HD, HQ, LBH, LLS, MLL, WYY, WH, ZMJ and ZH composed the Evidences synthesis panel. JYH, YXM (Canada) and RXQ were the methodologists. WY and HY were the secretaries. JYH, ZXT and the members of the evidences synthesis panel drafted the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.