Protocol options and application notes Laboratories participating in the evaluation used the TaqMan Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix (Thermo Fisher) with the same oligonucleotide concentrations and cycling conditions. The QIAGEN One-Step RT-PCR Kit was also tested and found to be compatible. The intended cross-reactivity of all assays with viral RNA of SARS-CoV allows us to use the assays without having to rely on external sources of specific 2019-nCoV RNA. For a routine workflow, we recommend the E gene assay as the first-line screening tool, followed by confirmatory testing with the RdRp gene assay. Application of the RdRp gene assay with dual colour technology can discriminate 2019-nCoV (both probes positive) from SARS-CoV RNA if the latter is used as positive control. Alternatively, laboratories may choose to run the RdRp assay with only the 2019-nCoV-specific probe.