Cross-reactivity with other coronaviruses Cell culture supernatants containing all endemic human coronaviruses (HCoV)‑229E, ‑NL63, ‑OC43 and ‑HKU1 as well as MERS-CoV were tested in duplicate in all three assays (Table 2). For the non-cultivable HCoV-HKU1, supernatant from human airway culture was used. Viral RNA concentration in all samples was determined by specific real-time RT-PCRs and in vitro-transcribed RNA standards designed for absolute quantification of viral load. Additional undiluted (but not quantified) cell culture supernatants were tested as summarised in Table 2. These were additionally mixed into negative human sputum samples. None of the tested viruses or virus preparations showed reactivity with any assay. Table 2 Tests of known respiratory viruses and bacteria in clinical samples and cell culture preparations for cross-reactivity in 2019 novel coronavirus E and RdRp gene assays (n = 310) Clinical samples with known viruses Clinical samplesa Virus isolatesb HCoV-HKU1 14 1c HCoV-OC43 16 2d HCoV-NL63 14 1e HCoV-229E 18 2f MERS-CoV 5 1g Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 17 1 Influenza A(H3N2) 16 1 Influenza A (untyped) 11 NA Influenza A(H5N1) 1 1 Influenza A(H7N9) 0 1 Influenza B (Victoria or Yamagata) 31 1 Rhinovirus/enterovirus 31 NA Respiratory syncytial virus (A/B) 33 NA Parainfluenza 1 virus 12 NA Parainfluenza 2 virus 11 NA Parainfluenza 3 virus 14 NA Parainfluenza 4 virus 11 NA Human metapneumovirus 16 NA Adenovirus 13 1 Human bocavirus 6 NA Legionella spp. 3 NA Mycoplasma spp. 4 NA Total clinical samples 297 NA a For samples with multiple viruses detected, the virus with highest concentration is listed, as indicated by real-time PCR Ct value. b Directly quantified or spiked in human negative-testing sputum. c 1 × 105 RNA copies/mL, determined by specific real-time RT-PCR. Isolated from human airway epithelial culture. d 1 × 1010 RNA copies/mL, determined by specific real-time RT-PCR of one isolate. The other isolate was not quantified but spiked in human negative-testing sputum. e 4 × 109 RNA copies/mL, determined by specific real-time RT-PCR. f 3 × 109 RNA copies/mL, determined by specific real-time RT-PCR of one isolate. The other isolate was not quantified spiked in human negative-testing sputum. g 1 × 108 RNA copies/mL, determined by specific real-time RT-PCR.