Figure 3 Determination of limits of detection based on SARS coronavirus genomic RNA and 2019 novel coronavirus-specific in vitro transcribed RNA CI: confidence intervals; c/r: copies per reaction; IVT: in vitro-transcribed RNA. A: E gene assay, evaluated with SARS-CoV genomic RNA. B: RdRp gene assay evaluated with SARS-CoV genomic RNA. C: E-gene assay, evaluated with 2019-nCoV-specific in vitro-transcribed RNA standard. D: RdRp gene assay evaluated with 2019-nCoV-specific in vitro-transcribed RNA standard. The x-axis shows input RNA copies per reaction. The y-axis shows positive results in all parallel reactions performed, squares are experimental data points resulting from replicate testing of given concentrations (x-axis) in parallels assays (eight replicate reactions per point). Technical limits of detection are given in the panels headings. The inner line is a probit curve (dose-response rule). The outer dotted lines are 95% CI.