4.1.2. Poor Positive Practice Environment Positive practice environment is the setting that supports excellence and decent work. To ensure positive practice environment in the healthcare setting, it is important to consider health, safety, and personal well-being of the staff. These improve productivity and performance of the staff, it also benefits healthcare consumers, and leads to positive health indicators for the government. Nurse (N3) said: “Sometimes we are supplied with fake N95 masks or required to use surgical masks. We only get 21 masks per week, to share with social workers, doctors and other staff that come to the TB wards. We do not get enough gloves, and we do not have aprons. We sometimes lack soap to wash our hands after coming into contact with TB patients, and we also have limited washing basins. In addition, the windows are too small and there is poor airflow in the wards. UV lights are not regularly service.” Nurse (N1) added that: “This whole thing (emotional) of us being given fake masks results in negative practice for patient-care since we are afraid to contract TB. Each time we look at the patients we get scared of being in the same situation, hmmm, there are more negative thoughts in TB wards than positive ones.” The findings of this study revealed that there was a more negative practice environment in the TB wards than a positive one. According to the study that was done by Washeya [15], it is important that the working environment enhances productivity. The findings of this study indicated that there was a poor practice environment in the TB wards. There was also an inadequate supply of personal protective materials. This leads to negative practice by the nurses, since they are afraid to contract diseases. The findings of the present study concur with those of a study that was done by Mametja [16], which indicated that there was a more negative practice environment in HIV/AIDS wards which affected the quality of nursing care in the public hospital.