2.8. Ethical Consideration The proposal was submitted and presented to the School of Health Science and University Higher Degrees Committee (UHDC) and ethical clearance was granted (SHS/15/PH/07/1604). Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the Limpopo Provincial Department of Health and Vhembe District Department of Health, Nursing Service Manager, and Chief Executive Officer of the regional hospital. Consent forms were given to every participant to complete. The nature of research was described to the participants of the study and they were informed of their right to refuse to participate, or to withdraw from participating if they felt that they could not continue. The participants were also informed and assured that the information they provided would not be used against them or shared with other people but would be reported as findings of the study. Anonymity was also ensured in which the participants did not write down their names or any personal identification. This allowed the participation to be anonymous. The researcher respected the choices and agreements made with the participants. The initial agreement was not changed without the knowledge of the participants. The participants were not victimized for refusing to participate in the study.