2.3 MRI assessment of tumor response before and after preoperative CRT All magnetic resonance images were obtained using a 3-T scanner (Magnetom Tim Trio, Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany) with a 6-element body phased-array coil on the anterior side of the patient and another 6 elements on the spine coil on the posterior side. For optimal rectal distension, 80 to 100 mL of sonography transmission gel was administered endorectally using an enema syringe. Two experienced gastrointestinal radiologists evaluated MR tumor response after preoperative CRT, and determined TRG before surgery. The mrTRG was assessed into 5 grades. mrTRG1: the absence of any residual tumor lesion; mrTRG2: a small residual tumor presenting as a predominant fibrotic low SI; mrTRG3: all lesions showing partial decrease in size upon comparison of pre-/post-CRT MRIs, but not meeting the criteria of mrTRG 1 or 2; and mrTRG 4 and 5 were each graded if the tumor did not decrease in size, or progressed, respectively.[19] MRI findings were finally categorized according to mrTRG: cCR, TRG1; nearly-cCR, TRG2; non-cCR, TRG3-5 (Fig. 2B). The median time to restaging was 4.1 weeks (interquartile range 3.9–4.3 weeks).