(A) Tumor on endoscopy before and after preoperative chemoradiation therapy (pre-CRT). (a–d) Primary tumor before pre-CRT. (e, f) Clinically complete response of primary tumor after completion of pre-CRT; a typical sign of clinical complete response (black arrows indicate a red scar and a white scar). (g) Minimal residual nodularity and (h) residual tumor with large necrotic area after pre-CRT (a typical sign of poor tumor response). (B) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans from patients before and after pre-CRT. (a–d) Primary tumor before pre-CRT. (e) Tumor regression grade (TRG) 1; the green arrow indicates radiologic complete response with a hypointense rectal wall. (f) TRG 2; the green arrow indicates a slightly thickened hypointense rectal wall. (g) TRG 3; the green arrow indicates a visible intermediate signal. (h) TRG 4; the green arrow indicates a small area of fibrosis.