Zoomed view of the images extracted from the equilibrated portion of the MD simulations for self-assembled dendrimers C18,1G0 (a), C18,2G0 (b), and C18,3G0 (c) in complex with heparin. In all panel, micelles are colored as in Figure 12b, heparin is portrayed by its orange van der Waals surface, while water, ions and counterions are shown as transparent spheres. (d) Per-residue effective free energy (∆G* = ∆Gbind,eff/Neff, orange), enthalpy (∆H* = ∆Hbind,eff/Neff, green) and entropy (T∆S* = ∆Sbind,eff/Neff, blue) of binding for the three self-assembled dendrimers in panels (a–c) (solid bars) and for the heparin sugars complexed with each of these three self-assembled dendrimers (patterned bars). Adapted from [25], with permission of John Wiley & Sons.