(a) Chemical structure of the amphiphilic dendron C22G1. Atomistic models of the nanomicelles formed by C22G1 under 150 mM NaCl (b) and no-salt (c) conditions, as obtained from multiscale molecular simulations. In panels (b) and (c) the C22G1 molecules appear as steel blue sticks-and-balls while some representative water molecules, Na+, and Cl− ions are also shown as light blue, orange, and gray spheres, respectively. (d) Atomistic model of a C22G1 self-assembled dendrimer in complex with heparin under 150 nM NaCl conditions. In this panel, the C22G1 molecules are portrayed as steel blue sticks, while heparin is shown as dark olive green (l-iduronic acid) and light green (d-glucosamine) spheres. Water molecules are omitted for clarity while some Na+ and Cl− ions are shown as orange and gray spheres, respectively. Adapted from [21] with the permission of The Royal Society of Chemistry.