As noted in Figure 9a, the positions of the diffraction peak for the C14G0 micelles bound to heparin locate at values of the momentum transfer (aka scattering vector) q equal to 0.129 and 0.259 Å−1 which, assuming a fcc morphology, in terms of crystal plane reflections with Miller indices correspond to (hkl) = (111) and (222). The alternative, self-assembled dendrimers C16G0 in complex with heparin showed 3 diffraction peaks, at q = 0.122, 0.138, and 0.246 Å−1, respectively. These, again using Miller indices notation for an fcc structure, correspond to (hkl) = (111), (200), and (222). By plotting the quadratic Miller indices against the measured q(hkl) values for both systems, the experimental lattice constant a =2πh2+k2+l2/q(hkl) could be estimated by data linear fitting (Figure 9b) as 8.5 and 8.9 nm for the C14G0 and C16G0 systems, respectively. The corresponding experimental center-to-center distances a2 were also calculated as 6.0 nm for the C14G0 micelles and 6.3 nm for the G16G0 assemblies, and all these values were in excellent agreement with those predicted by computer simulations (see above).