PMC:6723065 / 21569-23212 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"31434341-18425954-7278290","span":{"begin":208,"end":210},"obj":"18425954"},{"id":"31434341-8665547-7278291","span":{"begin":211,"end":213},"obj":"8665547"},{"id":"31434341-7969210-7278292","span":{"begin":317,"end":319},"obj":"7969210"}],"text":"Three Non-Ergot DAs, such as Pramipexole, Ropinirole, and transdermal Rotigotine, are commonly used in PD and they have been shown to be effective as monotherapy in patients in an early stage of the disease [85,86]. Few studies have compared efficacy between various DAs and no significant difference has been found [87]. Pramipexole immediate release is usually started at 0.125 mg three times daily. Its dose should be increased gradually by 0.125 mg per dose every 5–7 days. Pramipexole extended release is usually started at 0.375 mg daily at bedtime, eventually increased by 0.375 mg every 5–7 days. Commonly, the mean daily dose used is 1.5–4.5 mg. Dose adjustments are required for renal insufficiency, but the extended-release formulation is not recommended in patients with a creatinine clearance \u003c30 mL/minute [88]. Ropinirole immediate release is usually started at 0.25 mg three times daily and it should be increased gradually by 0.25 mg per dose each week for 4 weeks to a total daily dose of 3 mg. After 4 weeks, its dose may be increased weekly by 1.5 mg a day up to a maximum total daily dose of 24 mg. The extended release formulation is usually started at 2 mg daily at bedtime and increased by 2 mg every 5–7 days, up to a maximum of 24 mg. Benefits most commonly occur in a dose range of 12–16 mg daily. Transdermal Rotigotine is a once-daily patch which is usually started at 2 mg/daily and titrated weekly by increasing the patch size in 2 mg/daily increments to a dose of 6 mg/daily. Transdermal formulations are generally preferred in order to avoid issues such as renal impairment or inability to swallow whole pills."}