The major function of intestinal goblet cells is the formation of mucus layers, which represent the first line of defense in the colonic epithelium22,27. Intestinal mucus layers secreted by goblet cells are rich in mucins, which provide the frontline defense of the host against endogenous and exogenous irritants and microbial attachment and invasion, but allow the transport of nutrients24,25. In most intestinal infections, the induction of goblet cells and mucin synthesis and secretion occur frequently during the acute phase. However, chronic infection results in the depletion of goblet cells24,25,39. Neutral mucins were enhanced even though their goblet cells did not increase, although the height of the crypt became higher. Neutral mucins represent the main subtype of mucins in the right colon, and the content of this type of mucins usually undergoes minor modifications in the colonic mucosa without a regular supply of feces22. SCFAs are crucial for intestinal health because they serve as the major energy substrates for colonocytes and have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties40. Furthermore, under germfree conditions, neutral mucins in the colon are higher41. The proportions between neutral and acid mucins in rats also occur in men and are usually constant in the colonic mucosa42,43. However, the tissue content of acidic mucins can be modified with food restriction, which should influence how the nourishment of the colonic mucosa interferes with the production and absorption of SCFAs22,44. This feature may be associated with intestinal barrier dysfunction24,25,39,40,45,46. The tissue content of total acid mucins was not increased. The proportion between sulfomucins and sialomucins is usually constant in the mucosa of normal colon tissue, but may undergo changes in various illnesses41,46.