Recommendations for evaluation and selection of patients for LT-MCS therapy Recommendation Class Level References It is recommended that reversible causes of heart failure are ruled out. I B LT-MCS implantation should be considered in patients with the following: New York Heart Association functional class IIIB–IV and Ejection fraction ≤25% and At least one of the following criteria:     ○ INTERMACS 2–4     ○ Inotrope dependence     ○ Progressive end-organ dysfunction     ○ Peak VO2 <12 ml/kg/min     ○ Temporary MCS dependence IIa B LT-MCS implantation may be considered in patients with: New York Heart Association functional class IIIB–IV and Ejection fraction ≤25% and     ○ To reverse elevated pulmonary vascular resistance or potentially reversible renal failure in potential heart transplant candidates     ○ To allow time for transplant contraindications to be reversed such as recent cancer, obesity and recovering drug and alcohol dependence in potential heart transplant candidates IIb B Patient characteristics associated with a high risk of poor outcome post-left ventricular assist device LT-MCS in patients with advanced age, after careful evaluation of comorbidities and frailty, should be considered. IIa C [3, 22–25] LT-MCS in patients with peripheral vascular disease, depending on its severity, may be considered. IIb C LT-MCS in patients with active systemic bacterial/fungal infection is not recommended. III B [26, 27] In patients with well controlled HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C, LT-MCS should be considered. IIa B [26, 27] In patients with diabetes with poor glycaemic control or end-organ complications, LT-MCS may still be considered. IIb B [22, 28–30] LT-MCS may be considered in patients with chronic dialysis. IIb C [31–34] LT-MCS implantation in patients with haemostatic deficiencies and coagulopathies may be considered. IIb B [35–38] LT-MCS implantation in patients with untreated aortic regurgitation or mechanical aortic valve is not recommended. III C [39, 40] LT-MCS in patients with untreated severe mitral stenosis is not recommended. III C LT-MCS implantation in patients with irreversible liver dysfunction, as diagnosed by liver enzyme laboratory tests and the Model of End-stage Liver Disease score, is generally not recommended. III B [41] In patients with poor neurological and cognitive function, LT-MCS implantation is not recommended. III B [42, 43] Frail patients and patients with limited mobility may, after careful evaluation, be considered for LT-MCS implantation. IIb B [44–48] LT-MCS in patients who are living alone or who are suffering from depression should, after careful evaluation, be considered. IIa C [19, 49–53] LT-MCS implantation in patients who suffer from dementia is not recommended. III C [19, 49–53] LT-MCS implantation in patients with active substance abuse, not willing to cease the abuse, is not recommended. III C LT-MCS implantation in patients with malignancies may be considered if expected survival is >1 year. IIb C [33] HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; INTERMACS: Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; LT-MCS: long-term mechanical circulatory support.