Recommendation Class Level References Device malfunction It is recommended that out-patient management encompass regular evaluation and inspection of the technical parameters and all components of the external part of the device and their connections. I C [416] It is recommended that in cases of pump malfunction with clinical symptoms, the patient is assisted by emergency medical service and referred to the implanting centre. I C [417, 418] Surveillance by abdominal radiogram to regularly assess internal components of the driveline may be considered. IIb C In case of damage to the external parts of the driveline, splice repair of the wires in the operating room by technical personnel, with a surgery team on standby, should be considered. IIa C [439] In-hospital evaluation is recommended for pump alarms signalling pump malfunction. I C Pump thrombosis In the case of a clinical thrombotic event, pump evaluation for device thrombosis is recommended. I C [422, 440] Evaluation of the presence of pump thrombosis is recommended if flow alarms are present. I C [422, 440] In the case of a flow obstruction, technical, clinical and diagnostic investigations of the outflow graft, pump body and inflow cannula are recommended. I C [422, 440] Routine monitoring of lactate dehydrogenase and plasma free haemoglobin levels during follow-up is recommended. I C [441] In the case of pump thrombosis of a HeartWare HVAD, device exchange should be considered. IIa C [424, 426] In the case of pump thrombosis of a HeartWare HVAD, thrombolysis may be considered. IIb C [424, 426] In the case of pump thrombosis of a HeartMate II, device exchange or a high-urgency heart transplant (if possible) should be considered. IIa C [424] In a scenario of prepump (inflow graft) thrombosis, a backwash with carotid artery protection may be considered. IIb C [442] In a scenario of post-pump (outflow graft) thrombosis, stenting should be considered. IIa C [422, 427, 443–446] Events of bleeding during LT-MCS For a major bleeding event, temporary discontinuation of anticoagulation therapy is recommended. I C For a critical clinical bleeding episode or if the international normalized ratio is >4, anticoagulation reversal is recommended. I C If gastrointestinal bleeding is recurrent, discontinuation of platelet inhibitors should be considered. IIa C [428] Evaluation of other causative factors that might influence the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding should be considered. IIa C [35, 117, 447–449] In cases of occult recurrent bleeding despite the use of the above measures, octreotide or thalidomide may be considered. IIb C [430, 431] Prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular accidents A target mean arterial pressure <85 mmHg to reduce the risk of stroke is recommended. I B [377, 433, 434] Computed tomography angiography is recommended for vascular imaging and endovascular treatment of ischaemic stroke. I A [450] In cases of acute neurological deficit, emergent neuroimaging with computed tomographic scans is recommended. I A [450] Reversal of coagulopathy with prothrombin complex concentrates or transfusions with fresh frozen plasma and platelets is recommended for treatment of haemorrhagic stroke. I A [451, 452] Cardiac arrhythmias In patients with long-term mechanical circulatory support who develop postoperative ventricular arrhythmia with haemodynamic compromise, ICD implantation is recommended. I C [438] To prevent adverse sequelae of right ventricular dysfunction, continuation of ICD therapy should be considered. IIa C [435] Prophylactic ICD implantation in patients without arrhythmias at the time of long-term mechanical circulatory support implantation is not recommended. III C [437, 438, 453]