Recommendations for outpatient care Recommendation Class Level References Mechanical circulatory support programme management Management of outpatients with mechanical circulatory support therapy by a dedicated and specialized multidisciplinary team is recommended. I B [25, 37, 71, 137, 284, 354–360] Successfully discharging a patient with mechanical circulatory support Patient and caregiver education/training regarding device management, anticoagulation monitoring and driveline care is recommended. I B [25, 37, 71, 137, 284, 354–360] Blood pressure management In patients with continuous-flow mechanical circulatory support, a mean systemic blood pressure goal of ≤85 mmHg is recommended. I B [71, 377–384] Driveline dressing management It is recommended that driveline wound monitoring, dressing and immobilization are performed frequently by a trained person. I C [71, 259, 363–376] Driveline dressing should be changed by patients with mechanical circulatory support and/or their family members and/or their caregivers only if all of them are well-trained. I C [71, 259, 363–376] Heart failure medication after implantation of a left ventricular assist device Heart failure medication (diuretic agents, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker, beta-blockers and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists) should be considered during mechanical circulatory support. IIa C [71, 377–384, 393–400] Driving with a ventricular assist device Evaluation and approval of driving ability by a mechanical circulatory support physician are recommended. I C [386–391] Remote monitoring Remote monitoring technology as a supplement to, rather than a substitute for, routine clinical visits for follow-up of patients with long-term mechanical circulatory support may be considered. IIb C [71, 359–362]