Description of the evidence CVAs are described for all types of devices, and the reported incidences with modern devices remain high [145]. Overall incidence ranges from 6.7% to 29.7% (0.07 to more than 0.26 events per patient year). BP management is of primary importance: mean arterial pressure higher than 90 mmHg is associated with a risk of stroke during CF-LVAD support [146, 433]. Doppler BP measurement is the gold standard, and it reflects systolic BP. Antiplatelet and antithrombotic therapies are crucial as prophylaxis against CVA: Use of aspirin and strict anticoagulation monitoring are protective for CVA. The clinical management, diagnostic procedures and treatment of CVA in patients with LT-MCS follow standard clinical practice. Systemic thrombolysis is not recommended for patients on LVAD due to the unacceptably high risk of bleeding. Instead endovascular interventions for acute ischaemic stroke are warranted. Evidence from large trials suggests that lowering BP decreased the incidence of stroke [146, 433]. Strict outpatient management of BP is effective, considering that the risk of stroke is shown to increase from 9 to 12 months post implant [377, 434].