The patient was admitted to the Endocrinology and Metabolism ward for treatment with intravenous fluids and insulin. He recovered uneventfully. The acidosis resolved, and during the remainder of hospitalization his insulin requirement was approximately 1.5 U per kilogram of body weight per day. At discharge he was converted to intensive subcutaneous insulin therapy with a regimen of glargine and insulin Aspart at a dose of 1.2 U per kilogram per day. Two weeks after presentation, the boy was discharged to home on a regimen of 85 units glargine before bedtime and 30 units of as part before each meal, for a total daily insulin dose of 175 units. One week after discharge, he revisited the outpatient clinic. He had regained some weight, and his post-meal glycemic control was in good condition with HbA1c of 9.8%. He was instructed to continue the insulin regimen titrated according to blood glucose values. Insulin injections were gradually discontinued after discharge and the patient was initially treated with metformin (1700 mg per day) and gliclazide extentab (30 mg per day) and subsequently with metformin (1000 mg per day). He reported near-normal glycemic remission in the follow 12 months.