Thus far, children with IS of unknown cause are thought to have better outcomes. However, as testing improves, the concept of “unknown etiology” appears to be a moving target. Even within this large multicenter EPGP cohort, additional evaluation provided an etiology in nearly 15%. Can children have IS without etiology? Is the lack of identifiable cause a marker for less severe disease? In those without an obvious cause at the time of IS diagnosis in the NISC cohort, an etiology was more likely to be identified if there was severe developmental delay. An etiology was identified in 32.5% of patients with clearly abnormal development versus 8.3% with normal development.9 The EPGP study also supports this. Overall, 67% had seizures after IS, consistent with previous studies. Predictors of subsequent seizures were consistent with markers for more severe disease: earlier age of IS onset, seizures prior to IS onset, and IS refractory to initial treatment.