Forskolin, cAMP analogs, PDE inhibitors (152, 243–245) and adenosine (188, 246–248) also diminish T cell adherence (152, 243, 246, 248) by down-modulating the expression levels of ICAM-1 (249, 250) as well as of the integrins α4 (251, 252) and β2 (251, 253), components of VLA-4 and LFA-1, respectively. Such agents also impair T-cell migration (188, 244, 245, 247) by inducing KCa3.1 inhibition (188, 189). In addition, cAMP-mediated signaling (230, 254, 255) or the presence of A2AR agonists (139, 168, 230, 231) diminishes T cell cytotoxicity, in a PKA-dependent manner (168, 230, 231), probably as a result of impaired TCR signaling, motility/adhesion, granule exocytosis (138), as well as due to decreased expression of FasL, Granzyme B (GzB), and perforin (127).