Discussion We report development and independent validation of polygenic risk scores for breast cancer, optimized for prediction of subtype-specific disease and based on the largest available GWAS dataset. The best PRS based on a hard thresholding approach included 313 SNPs and was significantly more predictive of risk than the previously reported 77-SNP PRS7 (OR per 1 SD in the prospective test set: 1.61 versus 1.46; Table 2). The effect sizes were remarkably consistent among the 10 cohorts in the prospective test set, and also consistent with that in the UK Biobank cohort (HR = 1.59, 95%CI: 1.54–1.64). Recently, Khera et al.27 derived a PRS using our publicly available summary statistics based on analysis of the BCAC data.1 We were able to construct a PRS based on 5,194 of their 5,218 listed SNPs and compared this to our 313-SNP PRS. In our analysis of this PRS in the prospective UK Biobank data, we obtained a HR of 1.49 (95%CI: 1.44–1.54), substantially lower than that for our PRS313. The corresponding AUCs were 0.613 (95%CI: 0.603–0.623) for their 5,194-SNP PRS versus AUC 0.630 (95%CI: 0.620–0.640) for PRS313. Similarly, PRS313 performed better than the Khera et al. PRS in a Biobank dataset consisting of 7,113 case subjects diagnosed before entry and 183,536 control subjects (AUC = 0.642 versus AUC = 0.627). Khera et al. report a much higher AUC (0.68), perhaps reflecting the inclusion of predictors other than SNPs in their model (for example age or principal components). We specifically aimed to improve prediction for ER-negative breast cancer as to date prediction of this more aggressive disease has been poor. SNP selection was based on association with either ER-negative or overall breast cancer, and the optimum subtype-specific PRSs were derived by weighting a subset of SNPs according to subtype-specific effect sizes, with overall breast cancer weights used for the remaining SNPs. These results are consistent with the observation from genome-wide analyses that the heritability of ER-positive and ER-negative disease are partially correlated.2 The performance of the PRS313 in predicting ER-negative disease was considerably improved over the PRS77 reported previously (OR = 1.45 versus 1.35). Nevertheless, the prediction is still better for ER-positive than ER-negative disease, reflecting the fact that ER-negative disease is more infrequent and hence the GWAS data are less powerful. The estimated heritability of ER-negative disease is similar to that of overall breast cancer,1, 2 suggesting that more powerful ER-negative PRSs should be achievable with larger sample sizes. The best PRS developed using lasso was more predictive for ER-positive disease but slightly less predictive for ER-negative disease in the prospective studies. Given the small differences between the models, we focused on PRS313 since this should be more straightforward to implement in diagnostic laboratories using next generation sequencing. However, this will change with developing technology, and the cost effectiveness of using a large marker panel should be further investigated. From a clinical viewpoint, an important consideration is the performance of the PRS in the tails of the distribution. According to the standard polygenic model, under which the effects of variants combine multiplicatively, the relationship between the PRS and the log-OR should be linear. The PRS was well calibrated at different quantiles. Even in this large study, we observed no deviation from this model, and in particular the observed risks in the highest and lowest centile were consistent with the predicted risk. The sample sizes in the extreme tails, however, were still relatively small, particularly for ER-negative disease. While the AUC may appear modest, the predicted risk differences in the tails of the distribution are large. For the new PRS313, the women in the top 1% of the distribution have a predicted risk that is approximately 4-fold larger than the risk in the middle quintile. The lifetime risk of overall breast cancer in the top centile of the PRSs, based on UK incidence and mortality data, was 32.6%. Women in the top centile would therefore meet the UK NICE definition of high risk (see Web Resources). In the general population, an estimated 3.6%, 12%, 21%, and 35% of all breast cancers would be expected to occur in women in the highest 1%, 5%, 10%, and 20% of the new PRS313, respectively, compared to only 9% of breast cancers in women in the lowest 20% of the distribution. We observed a decline in the relative risk with age for ER-positive disease but not ER-negative disease. Even for ER-positive disease, however, the predicted relative risk, under a linear model, only declined from 1.89 at age 40 to 1.67 at age 70. While there was some indication of a lower relative risk below age 40 (estimated as 1.63 in the test set; Figure S2), these results indicate that PRS313 is broadly applicable at all ages. We observed an attenuation of the association between breast cancer family history and breast cancer risk after adjustment for the PRS (∼21% for ER-positive, ∼12% for ER-negative disease). This finding is broadly in line with the predicted contribution of the PRS to the familial relative risk of breast cancer. The PRS was predictive in women with and without a family history of breast cancer, but the OR was slightly lower in women with a family history, at least for ER-positive disease. This might reflect a weaker relative effect of the PRS in carriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations.28 We note, however, that the absolute differences in risk by PRS will be larger in women with a family history. These results indicate that the joint effects of family history and PRS need to be considered in risk prediction. Although we used the largest training dataset available to date for development of the PRS, further improvement should still be possible. We previously estimated using GWAS data that the theoretically best PRS, if the effect sizes of all common SNPs were known with certainty, would explain ∼41% of the familial risk of breast cancer, corresponding to a standardized OR∼2.1: the PRS313 explains ∼45% of this “chip” heritability.1 This implies that larger GWASs, coupled with penalized approaches for subtype-specific disease, should further improve the predictive value of the PRS. Certain genomic features, notably transcription factor binding sites, are enriched among susceptibility loci.1 Preliminary analyses incorporating these features into the analysis did not improve the predictive value, presumably because the enrichment effect was too small to overcome the increased complexity of the model. Better definition of genomic features to predict causal variants, and more sophisticated methods for integrating external biological information into prediction models, may improve the PRS.29, 30 The PRS has the potential to improve stratification for screening, while ER-specific PRSs may be informative for prevention with endocrine therapies. Previous studies have suggested that the earlier PRS77 was more predictive for screen-detected breast cancers than interval cancers, and that breast cancers arising among women with a low PRS are more aggressive compared with those arising in women with a high PRS, perhaps reflecting the stronger associations with ER-positive disease.31, 32 It will therefore be important to evaluate carefully the associations between the new PRS313 and other tumor characteristics. Clinical translational studies are required to assess the risks and benefits of including the PRS in the context of current screening protocols. While the PRS provides powerful risk discrimination, better risk discrimination will be obtained by combining the PRS with family history and other risk factors.10 This can be accomplished by incorporating the PRS into risk prediction models, in particular BOADICEA, which can allow for the explicit effects of family history, age, genetic, and other risk factors33, 34 (see Supplemental Material and Methods). However, further studies to validate risk models for individualized risk prediction based on the combined effects of genetic and lifestyle risk factors will be needed. In addition, it is important to note that the PRSs generated in this study were developed and validated in white European populations and need to be validated and potentially adapted for other populations.