Web Resources Disease-Disease Network Visualization Tool, https://www.biomedinfolab.com/software eMERGE, https://emerge.mc.vanderbilt.edu Gephi, https://gephi.org Million Veteran Program, https://www.research.va.gov/mvp/ NCBI, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/4049 NHANES, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/index.htm OMIM, http://www.omim.org/ Roadmap Epigenomics Project, http://www.roadmapepigenomics.org/data/ UK BioBank, https://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk Supplemental Data Document S1. Figures S1 and Tables S2 and S3 Table S1. Summary Information of Disease Pairs and the Number of Shared SNP Associations Used for Creating the Disease-Disease Network Document S2. Article plus Supplemental Data Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) R01 NL012535. This project is also funded, in part, by a grant provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Health (#SAP 4100070267). The Department of Health specifically disclaims responsibility for any analyses, interpretations, or conclusions. Supplemental Data include one figure and three tables and can be found with this article online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.11.006.