A crystal structure for GLUT1 has been obtained using a GLUT1 construct purified from an expression system (see Fig. 12) [321]. In this structure a bundle of α-helices spans the membrane surrounding an inner cavity open at the cytoplasmic end. This structure and those for related transporters (for references see [322]) strongly support the widely held view that the transport kinetics should be described using a carrier model (see Appendix D). A binding site in the central cavity of the carrier can be exposed to either side of the membrane, but only one side at a time. While the site is exposed a substrate molecule can associate with or dissociate from the site. The side of exposure can be altered by a conformation change in the carrier and the substrate can then associate or dissociate on the other side of the membrane. Fig. 12 Structure of the human glucose transporter GLUT1. The structure of full-length human GLUT1 containing two point mutations (N45T, E329Q) was determined in an inward-open conformation. The side and cytoplasmic views are shown. The corresponding transmembrane segments in the four 3-helix repeats are coloured the same. The extracellular and intracellular helices are coloured blue and orange, respectively. A slab of cut- open view of the surface electrostatic potential, which was calculated with PyMol50, is shown on the right to facilitate visualization of the inward-facing cavity. IC indicates intracellular helix. Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature from Nature 510, 121–126, Crystal structure of the human glucose transporter GLUT1 by Deng et al. [321]