Efflux by transcytosis Transcytosis is much less prevalent across the endothelial cells of the blood–brain barrier than across those of peripheral capillaries [248–251]. Nevertheless both adsorptive mediated transcytosis (AMT) and receptor mediated transcytosis (RMT) are still likely to be important mechanisms for the transfer of some large substrates across the blood–brain barrier. The initial event in AMT is the adsorption of usually positive substrates onto the surfaces of caveolae, while that for RMT is binding of the substrate to specific receptors that are in or become incorporated into clathrin coated pits. In both cases at the blood–brain barrier this leads to endocytosis followed by delivery of a substantial fraction of the contents of the resulting vesicles to the opposite membrane for exit, possibly by exocytosis [49, 63, 252]. AMT is thought to account for much of the influx into the brain of histones [253], “cell penetrating peptides” [49, 251, 254], HIV [255, 256], and cargos conjugated to the lectin wheat germ agglutinin [257] and to underlie the increase in “generalized permeability” caused by protamine [258]. The downsides of AMT are that it is relatively non-selective for substrates [256] and that it occurs in many cells throughout the body. In addition there is little if any evidence that it occurs in the direction from brain to blood [257, 259]. While RMT also occurs throughout the body, transport by this mechanism depends on interaction of the substrates with specific receptors that may be found primarily in specific locations such as the blood–brain barrier. In addition there is evidence that RMT can occur in either direction, i.e. from brain to blood as well as from blood to brain. AMT and RMT in the direction from blood to brain have been studied extensively as routes of entry to the brain for endogenous substrates, but even more in the context of mechanisms for drug delivery. These studies have been reviewed frequently [57, 64, 154, 249, 252, 260–266]. However, even so, the steps occurring after the initial endocytosis remain only partially understood [63, 249, 250, 262, 267, 268] including even the answer to the important question of whether the cargo is released within the cell or delivered to the far side by exocytosis. By contrast evidence for transport via transcytosis in the direction brain to blood has been reported for only a few systems including transport of amyloid-β peptides via interaction with LRP1 (low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 1) and LRP2 (low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 2) (see Sect. 5.7), of IgG antibodies via interaction with an unidentified receptor [269–275] and of transferrin [60] via interaction with the transferrin receptor (TfR) [61] (see below). Transport of transferrin is closely related to transfer of iron. Iron in plasma and in brain extracellular fluid is present almost entirely complexed to transferrin i.e. as holo-transferrin. It has long been known that iron and transferrin enter the brain across the blood–brain barrier and it was originally hypothesised that they are transferred together by endocytosis followed by exocytosis, i.e. direct transcytosis, of holo-transferrin (see e.g. [61, 276]). Yet there have been arguments against this idea arising from dual labelling experiments showing that far more labelled iron than labelled transferrin accumulates in the brain, see e.g. [60, 277, 278]. In addition it has been argued that release of holo-transferrin from TfR is unlikely to occur as there needs to be prior dissociation of iron for release of transferrin from its receptor [279]. So though there is general agreement that holo-transferrin interacts with TfR, which then mediates endocytosis of the iron/transferrin/receptor complex into the endothelial cells, there has been controversy over the subsequent steps in the transfers of transferrin and iron into the brain. Assuming that holo-transferrin is indeed directly transcytosed across the blood–brain barrier, then the limited net entry observed of transferrin to the brain implies that there must be transcytosis of transferrin without iron, apo-transferrin, back out of the brain. Alternatively if the iron is dissociated from the transferrin within the endothelial cells, it is likely that there is exocytosis of apo-transferrin on both sides of the cells (see [280–282] and the footnote13 for further discussion). Little is known about transport of transferrin out of the brain. There have been reports that labelled apo-transferrin injected into the brain can be transported from brain to blood, but it is not clear how important this is under normal conditions. Banks et al. [60] found that the apo-transferrin was removed from the brain faster than albumin, implying the existence of a route other than washout via CSF. However, subsequently Moos and Morgan [278] did not confirm this result. By contrast Zhang and Pardridge [61] found an early component of loss of injected apo-transferrin, half-life 39 min, which was much faster than that for loss of injected 70 kDa-dextran. Furthermore this rapid component was inhibited by cold apo-transferrin, i.e. there was competition, with an apparent dissociation constant of less than 30 nM implying interaction with a specific receptor which was presumed to be the receptor protein detected by OX26, i.e. TfR. As these studies on transferrin efflux are substantially older than the studies on iron uptake linked to transferrin, further investigation of transferrin transport from brain to blood might be informative.