10 Compared to the change in rate of efflux of inulin, Xie et al. [128] observed a much larger change in the rate of delivery of Texas Red dextran from the cisterna magna to the parenchyma: 20-fold less influx when the mice were awake compared to when they were anaesthetized. Benveniste et al. [613] have also observed increases in delivery of a gadolinium chelate with anaesthesia. However, Gakuba et al. [147] using another gadolinium chelate, Evan's blue and indocyanine green have observed that anaesthesia greatly reduces the spread of the markers into the parenchyma from the cisterna magna. It is not yet clear how to reconcile these results (see also [426]). It is also unclear whether the effects of sleep/wakefulness/anaesthesia on influx of markers are mediated primarily in the subarachnoid spaces, in the perivascular spaces or within the parenchyma (see Section 2.4 in [146]).