β2H: solute hydrogen bond basicity (Appendix C); c (cisf, cplasma): concentration (in ISF or plasma); CL (CLBBB, CLperivascular): clearance (via blood–brain barrier or perivascular routes); CMRglc: cerebral metabolic rate of glucose; D: diffusion constant; F: Faraday constant; ΔGx/y: free energy change for the transfer from y to x (e.g. Eq. 5); J: flux; Jinf: water influx (measured using THO); Jnet: water net flux (in response to an osmotic gradient); Km: Michaelis–Menten constant for an enzyme reaction (e.g. by hexokinase) or transport process; Kt: apparent dissociation constant when Michaelis–Menten-like expressions (e.g. Eq. 28) are fitted to flux data for carrier transport; Kx/y: partition coefficient from y to x (e.g. Eq. 5); k: rate constant; keff: rate constant for efflux; keff,BBB: rate constant for efflux across the blood–brain barrier; N: amount (not to be confused with N, nitrogen); π2H : polarizability (Appendix C); P: permeability; PS: permeability surface area product; Pw,osmotic: water permeability calculated from net flux down an osmotic gradient; Pw,tracer: water permeability measured using tracers; R: universal gas constant; Rin: rate of input; Relim: rate of elimination; R1, R2, R3: different rates of input (Sect. 6); R2: excess molar refraction (Appendix C); S: surface area of microvessels; T: absolute temperature; T (Appendix E), period of time during which influx occurs; Tinf: influx (Appendix D); Teff: efflux (Appendix D); Tmax: maximum rate of transport in Michaelis–Menten type equations (Appendix D); Tnet: net flux (Appendix D); t: time; t1/2: half-life; Vbr: volume of distribution (Appendix E); V¯brain: conversion factor between the mass and volume of the brain, assumed to be 1 cm3 g−1 (Appendix E); VD: volume of distribution; Vx: molecular volume (Appendix C); z: charge on an ion, e.g. 1 for Na+.