Transport across the blood–brain barrier can occur by a number of different mechanisms (see Fig. 3). The simplest of these, appropriate for small molecules that are lipid soluble, is diffusion across the lipid membranes and cytoplasm of brain endothelial cells (Sect. 4.1 and Appendix C). The blood–brain barrier is the main route for the large fluxes of water measured using tracers (Sect. 5.1), but it is almost certainly not the main route for the net inward flux of water into the brain because it is not the main route for net inward flux of Na+ or Cl− (see [4, 41]). The net inward flux of water, which occurs primarily at the choroid plexuses, together with the metabolic production of water, must balance the net outward flow of water as CSF and ISF are returned to blood and/or lymph. With the polar solutes Na+, Cl−, and mannitol the small fluxes that have been observed in tracer studies may be via a small “leak” through the tight junctions (Sects. 4.1 and 5.6 and Appendix B).