Subsequent studies followed the routes of exit from the parenchyma of fluorescent dextran. This was used as a non-metabolizable marker for substances of the size of Aβ. Within minutes of its injection fluorescence could be visualized throughout the smooth muscle layer of the arterial walls [70]. From this observation it was proposed that both the fluorescent dextran and the Aβ enter the smooth muscle layer near its end closest to the capillaries and move along the vessel wall towards the subarachnoid space with little further exchange between the smooth muscle layer and the surrounding parenchyma. However, it remains difficult to see how there could be sufficient driving force for movement through the extracellular matrix along the entire length, perhaps a millimeter, of the vessel (compare the discussion in Sect. 3.2.1) while at the same time movement over a 10- to 20-fold shorter distance perpendicular to the vessel wall is prevented. For a different viewpoint see [88, 95, 502–504]).