There is clear evidence that during periods of increased neural activity the blood–brain barrier is not the only route of lactate removal from the sites of activity [354–357]. This may be particularly important in circumstances where the lactate concentration is also increased in the rest of the body, e.g. as a result of physical exercise. Under these circumstances the net transport across the blood–brain barrier is likely to be inwards [352, 353]. Other routes for efflux cannot be just perivascular transport as seen with inulin because that isn’t fast enough. One suggested explanation is perivascular transport augmented by transfer between astrocyte endfeet via gap junctions. This can lead to movement of lactate from sites of activity either to inactive regions or to perivascular spaces of larger blood vessels [356–358] (see Fig. 15). Much of the lactate removed from the parenchyma via perivascular transport is likely to be removed from the brain along with CSF, though a proportion reaches lymph, possibly via the meninges, without first mixing with CSF. Lactate in CSF that leaves via the cribriform plate is delivered to the nasal mucosa from which it may return to blood either indirectly via lymph or directly by crossing peripheral capillary walls [85, 120, 125].16 Fig. 15 Lactate removal from the brain. Lactate produced within the brain can be effluxed via the blood–brain barrier or via perivascular routes. It may reach the latter locally near the site of its production or at more distant sites having been transferred between astrocytes via gap junctions (Diagram modified from Figure 7c in Gandhi et al. [358])