It is noteworthy that NDUFA6 has three reported functional isoforms in UniProt: the first (UniProt: P56556) represents the longest isoform with 154 residues (GenBank: NM_002490.4; Ensembl: ENST00000498737.6), the second (UniProt: A0A0C4DGSO) has 128 residues (Ensembl: ENST00000602404.5), and the third (UniProt: R4GN43) has 71 residues (Ensembl: ENST00000470753.1). All isoforms occur in frame and use alternative methionine residues for translation initiation (Figure 2C). Until now, no consensus on the clinically relevant transcripts has been reached, but Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) data and in-house RNA-seq data19 support ENST00000602404.5 as the predominant isoform, and RNA expression data specifically correlate with the 5′ UTR of ENST00000602404.5 (Figure S2). These data have led ENST00000602404.5 to now be associated with the revised accession number GenBank: NM_002490.5.