For instance, a study conducted by von Bahr et al. (49) demonstrated that GvHD patients who received early-passage MSCs had greater survival rates (75%) in comparison with patients who received late-passage MSCs (21%), 1 year after the beginning of the treatment. A study by Yu et al. (101) also demonstrated that the administration of late-passage hMSCs had a significantly compromised protective effect against mouse experimental colitis and that the production PGE2 and COX-2 by these cells was markedly reduced when compared to early-passage hMSCs. The influence of the weight of the donor in the immunoregulatory properties of adipose tissue-derived hMSCs was also analyzed in a study conducted by Strong et al. (136). This study showed that the administration of adipose tissue-derived hMSCs isolated from obese donors failed to alleviate clinical symptoms and inhibit inflammation in the central nervous system of murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, in contrast with the administration of adipose tissue-derived hMSCs isolated from lean subjects, which exhibited strong anti-inflammatory and therapeutic activities. Similarly, a study conducted by Scruggs et al. (121) demonstrated that experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mice treated with adipose tissue-derived hMSCs isolated from older donor cells had increased central nervous system inflammation and demyelination, when compared with the administration of adipose tissue-derived hMSCs isolated from younger donors.