The use of a pace capture-guided ablation strategy as an additional endpoint in PVI procedures has been proposed as another method to improve the durability of PVI.264,472,473,474,475 Using this approach, after completion of PVI, high-output pacing (10 mA) from the ablation catheter’s distal bipole is performed during sinus rhythm while slowly moving the catheter along the entire circumference of the ipsilateral PVI lines.264,472 Where local LA capture is identified, additional ablation is performed until loss of capture, with the goal of closure of the residual gaps. In a recent randomized study involving 102 patients at two centers, this technique significantly improved arrhythmia-free survival compared with conventional PVI.474 Another study compared an ablation strategy of loss of pace capture vs adenosine administration to identify dormant conduction. The outcomes were no different in the two groups.473 Another study revealed that a strategy of pace-capture-guided PVI was found to be associated with a significant reduction in dormant PV conduction revealed by adenosine.475 It is also notable that reevaluation of value of pace capture has not been reassessed since the widespread availability of CFS ablation catheters.